When to Swap Out Your Diesel Oil: Change Timing
If you’re new to driving a diesel car, you might wonder how often you should change the oil.
It’s pretty similar to changing the oil in a regular gasoline engine. Your vehicle’s manual will usually provide a mileage range to guide you.
However, extra factors must be considered when determining how often to change your diesel oil.
Here are some friendly tips to help you decide when it’s time for an oil change.

Synthetic oils are engineered to offer superior performance, including better high-temperature stability and longer-lasting lubrication. Mixing in conventional oil may reduce these benefits, impacting the oil’s longevity and ability to protect your engine.
For optimal results and to maintain your engine’s performance and longevity, always use the same type and viscosity of oil recommended in your vehicle’s owner’s manual.
Sticking to the specified oil type ensures that your engine receives the proper lubrication, temperature control, and wear protection.
Using the correct oil also helps keep your warranty intact and can improve fuel efficiency. Regular oil changes with the proper oil type will help keep your engine running smoothly and avoid potential issues caused by oil breakdown or buildup.